# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | the R code for the | # | Big R-book | # | by Philippe J.S. De Brouwer | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | Copyright: (C) Philippe De Brouwer, 2020 | # | Owners of the book can use this code for private and commercial | # | use, except re-publishing. | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | This document is a true copy of all the R code that appears in the book. | # | It is provided for you so that when you work with the book, you can copy | # | and paste any code segment that you want to test without typing everything | # | again. | # | No warranties or promises are given. | # | Have an intersting time and learn faster than me! | # | Philippe J.S. De Brouwer | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # | For your convenience, blocks are separated by: '# ----------------------'. | # +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Addition: 2 + 3 # Product: 2 * 3 # Power: 2**3 2^3 # Logic: 2 > 3 x <- c(1,3,4,3) x.mean <- mean(x) x.mean y <- c(2,3,5,1) x+y # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- scan() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- edit(x) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_function <- function(a,b) { a + b } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # x.1 is assigned the value 5: x.1 <- 5 # The result of x.1 + 3 is stored in .x: x.1 + 3 -> .x # Show the result: print(.x) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x.3 = 3.14 x.3 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v1 <- c(1, 2, 3, NA) mean(v1, na.rm = TRUE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # List all variables: ls() # hidden variable starts with dot ls(all.names = TRUE) # shows all # Remove a variable: rm(x.1) # removes the variable x.1 ls() # x.1 is not there any more rm(list = ls()) # removes all variables ls() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Booleans can be TRUE or FALSE: x <- TRUE class(x) # Integers use the letter L (for Long integer): x <- 5L class(x) # Decimal numbers, are referred to as 'numeric': x <- 5.135 class(x) # Complex numbers use the letter i (without multiplication sign): x <- 2.2 + 3.2i class(x) # Strings are called 'character': x <- "test" class(x) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Avoid this: x <- 3L # x defined as integer x x <- "test" # R changes data type x # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The function as.Data coerces its argument to a date: d <- as.Date(c("1852-05-12", "1914-11-5", "2015-05-01")) # Dates will work as expected: d_recent <- subset(d, d > as.Date("2005-01-01")) print(d_recent) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(2, 2.5, 4, 6) y <- c("apple", "pear") class(x) class(y) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create v as a vector of the numbes one to 5: v <- c(1:5) # Access elements via indexing: v[2] v[c(1,5)] # Access via TRUE/FALSE: v[c(TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE)] # Access elements via names: v <- c("pear" = "green", "banana" = "yellow", "coconut" = "brown") v v["banana"] # Leave out certain elements: v[c(-2,-3)] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define two vectors: v1 <- c(1,2,3) v2 <- c(4,5,6) # Standard arithmetic: v1 + v2 v1 - v2 v1 * v2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define a short and long vector: v1 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) v2 <- c(1, 2) # Note that R 'recycles' v2 to match the length of v1: v1 + v2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example 1: v1 <- c(1, -4, 2, 0, pi) sort(v1) # Example 2: To make sorting meaningful, all variables are coerced to # the most complex type: v1 <- c(1:3, 2 + 2i) sort(v1) # Sorting is per increasing numerical or alphabetical order: v3 <- c("January", "February", "March", "April") sort(v3) # Sort order can be reversed: sort(v3, decreasing = TRUE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a matrix: M <- matrix( c(1:6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) # Show it on the screen: print(M) M <- matrix( c(1:6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = FALSE) print(M) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unit vector: matrix (1, 2, 1) # Zero matrix or vector: matrix (0, 2, 2) # Recycling also works for shorter vectors: matrix (1:2, 4, 4) # Fortunately, R expects that the vector fits exactly n times in the matrix: matrix (1:3, 4, 4) # So, the previous was bound to fail. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store the names in a vector: row_names = c("row1", "row2", "row3", "row4") col_names = c("col1", "col2", "col3") # Create the matrix: M <- matrix(c(10:21), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(row_names, col_names)) # Display the result: print(M) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- colnames(M) <- c('C1', 'C2', 'C3') rownames(M) <- c('R1', 'R2', 'R3', 'R4') M # --------------------------------------------------------------------- M <- matrix(c(10:21), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) M # Access one element: M[1,2] # The second row: M[2,] # The second column: M[,2] # Row 1 and 3 only: M[c(1, 3),] # Row 2 to 3 with column 3 to 1: M[2:3, 3:1] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- M1 <- matrix(c(10:21), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) M2 <- matrix(c(0:11), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE) M1 + M2 M1 * M2 M1 / M2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example of the dot-product: a <- c(1:3) a %*% a a %*% t(a) t(a) %*% a # Define A: A <- matrix(0:8, nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) # Test products: A %*% a A %*% t(a) # this is bound to fail! A %*% A # --------------------------------------------------------------------- A %/% A # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note the difference between the normal product: A * A # and the matrix product %*%: A %*% A # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # However, there is -of course- only one sum: A + A # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note that the quotients yield almost the same: A %/% A A / A # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is the matrix A: A # The exponential of A: exp(A) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The natural logarithm log(A) sin(A) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Collapse to a vectore: colSums(A) rowSums(A) # Some functions aggregate the whole matrix to one scalar: mean(A) min(A) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- M <- matrix(c(1,1,4,1,2,3,3,2,1), 3, 3) M # The diagonal of M: diag(M) # Inverse: solve(M) # Determinant: det(M) # The QR composition: QR_M <- qr(M) QR_M$rank # Number of rows and columns: nrow(M) ncol(M) # Sums of rows and columns: colSums(M) rowSums(M) # Means of rows, columns, and matrix: colMeans(M) rowMeans(M) mean(M) # Horizontal and vertical concatenation: rbind(M, M) cbind(M, M) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create an array: a <- array(c('A','B'),dim = c(3,3,2)) print(a) # Access one element: a[2,2,2] # Access one layer: a[,,2] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create two vectors: v1 <- c(1,1) v2 <- c(10:13) col.names <- c("col1","col2", "col3") row.names <- c("R1","R2") matrix.names <- c("Matrix1","Matrix2") # Take these vectors as input to the array. a <- array(c(v1,v2),dim = c(2,3,2), dimnames = list(row.names,col.names, matrix.names)) print(a) # This allows to address the first row in Matrix 1 as follows: a['R1',,'Matrix1'] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- M1 <- a[,,1] M2 <- a[,,2] M2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- cbind(x1 = 3, x2 = c(4:1, 2:5)) dimnames(x)[[1]] <- letters[1:8] apply(x, 2, mean, trim = .2) col.sums <- apply(x, 2, sum) row.sums <- apply(x, 1, sum) rbind(cbind(x, Rtot = row.sums), Ctot = c(col.sums, sum(col.sums))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Re-create the array a (shorter code): col.names <- c("col1","col2", "col3") row.names <- c("R1","R2") matrix.names <- c("Matrix1","Matrix2") a <- array(c(1,1,10:13),dim = c(2,3,2), dimnames = list(row.names,col.names, matrix.names)) # Demonstrate apply: apply(a, 1, sum) apply(a, 2, sum) apply(a, 3, sum) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a list with the list() function: myList <- list("Approximation", pi, 3.14, c) # Display the result: print(myList) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the list: L <- list("Approximation", pi, 3.14, c) # Assign names to elements: names(L) <- c("description", "exact", "approx","function") # Show the result: print(L) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Addressing elements of the named list: print(paste("The difference is", L$exact - L$approx)) print(L[3]) print(L$approx) # However, "function" was a reserved word, so we need to use # back-ticks in order to address the element: a <- L$`function`(2,3,pi,5) # to access the function c(...) print(a) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start with a vector: V1 <- c(1,2,3) # Define two lists: L2 <- list(V1, c(2:7)) L3 <- list(L2,V1) # Show the results: print(L3) print(L3[[1]][[2]][3]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The first object of L2 as a list: L2[1] class(L[2]) # The first element of L2 is a numeric vector: L2[[1]] class(L2[[2]]) # range L2[1:2] # Unexpected result (ranges are not to be used with x[[.]]): L2[[1:2]] <- 'a' L2 # Is this what you would expect? L2[1:2] <- 'a' L2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define a simple list: L <- list(1,2) # Coerce the fourth position to 4: L[4] <- 4 # position 3 is NULL # Show the results: L # --------------------------------------------------------------------- L$pi_value <- pi L # --------------------------------------------------------------------- L[1] <- NULL L # --------------------------------------------------------------------- L <- L[-2] L # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The list: L <- list(c(1:5), c(6:10)) # The vectors obtained from the list: v1 <- unlist(L[1]) v2 <- unlist(L[2]) # Show the results: v1 v2 v2-v1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # A list of vectors of integers: L <- list(1L,c(-10L:-8L)) unlist(L) # Note the named real-valued extra element: L <- list(c(1:2),c(-10:-8), "pi_value" = pi) unlist(L) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create a vector containing all your observations: feedback <- c('Good','Good','Bad','Average','Bad','Good') # Create a factor object: factor_feedback <- factor(feedback) # Print the factor object: print(factor_feedback) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot the histogram -- note the default order is alphabetic plot(factor_feedback) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The nlevels function returns the number of levels: print(nlevels(factor_feedback)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store the survey results: feedback <- c('Good','Good','Bad','Average','Bad','Good') # Define the factors while providing the levels in right order: factor_feedback <- factor(feedback, levels = c("Bad", "Average", "Good")) # Display results: plot(factor_feedback) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- gl(3,2,,c("bad","average","good"),TRUE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the data frame. data_test <- data.frame( Name = c("Piotr", "Pawel","Paula","Lisa","Laura"), Gender = c("Male", "Male","Female", "Female","Female"), Score = c(78,88,92,89,84), Age = c(42,38,26,30,35) ) print(data_test) # The standard plot function on a data-frame (Figure 4.3) # is the same as using the pairs() function: plot(data_test) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the structure of the data frame: str(data_test) # Note that the names became factors. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the summary of the data frame: summary(data_test) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the first rows: head(data_test) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the last rows: tail(data_test) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract the column 2 and 4 and keep all rows data_test.1 <- data_test[,c(2,4)] print(data_test.1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract columns by name and keep only selected rows data_test[c(2:4),c(2,4)] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- d <- data.frame( Name = c("Piotr", "Pawel","Paula","Lisa","Laura"), Gender = c("Male", "Male","Female", "Female","Female"), Score = c(78,88,92,89,84), Age = c(42,38,26,30,35), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) d$Gender <- factor(d$Gender) # manually factorize gender str(d) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- de(x) # fails if x is not defined de(x <- c(NA)) # works x <- de(x <- c(NA)) # will also save the changes in x data.entry(x) # de is short for data.entry x <- edit(x) # use the standard editor (vi in *nix) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following lines do the same. data_test$Score[1] <- 80 data_test[3,1] <- 80 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Expand the data frame, simply define the additional column: data_test$End_date <- as.Date(c("2014-03-01", "2017-02-13", "2014-10-10", "2015-05-10","2010-08-25")) print(data_test) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Or use the function cbind() to combine data frames along columns: Start_date <- as.Date(c("2012-03-01", "2013-02-13", "2012-10-10", "2011-05-10","2001-08-25")) # Use this vector directly: df <- cbind(data_test, Start_date) print(df) # or first convert to a data frame: df <- data.frame("Start_date" = t(Start_date)) df <- cbind(data_test, Start_date) print(df) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # To add a row, we need the rbind() function: data_test.to.add <- data.frame( Name = c("Ricardo", "Anna"), Gender = c("Male", "Female"), Score = c(66,80), Age = c(70,36), End_date = as.Date(c("2016-05-05","2016-07-07")) ) data_test.new <- rbind(data_test,data_test.to.add) print(data_test.new) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- data_test.1 <- data.frame( Name = c("Piotr", "Pawel","Paula","Lisa","Laura"), Gender = c("Male", "Male","Female", "Female","Female"), Score = c(78,88,92,89,84), Age = c(42,38,26,30,35) ) data_test.2 <- data.frame( Name = c("Piotr", "Pawel","notPaula","notLisa","Laura"), Gender = c("Male", "Male","Female", "Female","Female"), Score = c(78,88,92,89,84), Age = c(42,38,26,30,135) ) data_test.merged <- merge(x=data_test.1,y=data_test.2, by.x=c("Name","Age"),by.y=c("Name","Age")) # Only records that match in name and age are in the merged table: print(data_test.merged) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use 'N' to refer to 'Name' data_test$N # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the rownames: colnames(data_test) # Access the rownames: rownames(data_test) colnames(data_test)[2] rownames(data_test)[3] # Assign new names: colnames(data_test)[1] <- "first_name" rownames(data_test) <- LETTERS[1:nrow(data_test)] print(data_test) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- a <- "Hello" b <- "world" paste(a, b, sep = ", ") c <- "A 'valid' string" # --------------------------------------------------------------------- paste0(12, '%') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- a <- format(100000000,big.mark=" ", nsmall=3, width=20, scientific=FALSE, justify="r") print(a) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v1 <- c(2,4,6,8) v2 <- c(1,2,3,5) v1 + v2 # addition v1 - v2 # subtraction v1 * v2 # multiplication v1 / v2 # division v1 %% v2 # remainder of division v1 %/% v2 # round(v1/v2 -0.5) v1 ^ v2 # v1 to the power of v2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v1 %*% v2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v1 <- c(8,6,3,2) v2 <- c(1,2,3,5) v1 > v2 # bigger than v1 < v2 # smaller than v1 <= v2 # smaller or equal v1 >= v2 # bigger or equal v1 == v2 # equal v1 != v2 # not equal # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The vectors: v1 <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) v2 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) # The basic logical operations: v1 & v2 # and v1 | v2 # or !v1 # not v1 && v2 # and applied to the first element v1 || v2 # or applied to the first element # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # More aspects of logical values: v1 <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, 8, 6+3i, -2, 0, NA) class(v1) # v1 is a vector or complex numbers v2 <- c(TRUE) as.logical(v1) # coerce to logical (only 0 is FALSE) v1 & v2 v1 | v2 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 & TRUE -1 & pi & 1 0 + 5i & TRUE # --------------------------------------------------------------------- FALSE | NA TRUE | NA FALSE & NA TRUE & NA FALSE | NA | TRUE | TRUE TRUE & NA & FALSE # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # left assignment x <- 3 x = 3 x <<- 3 # right assignment 3 -> x 3 ->> x #chained assignment x <- y <- 4 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- mean(v1, na.rm = TRUE) # works (v1 is defined in previous section) mean(v1, na.rm <- TRUE) # fails # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # f # Assigns in the current and superior environment 10 to x, # then prints it, then makes it 0 only in the function environment # and prints it again. # arguments: # x -- numeric f <- function(x) {x <<- 10; print(x); x <- 0; print(x)} x <- 3 x # Run the function f(): f(x) # Only the value assigned with <<- is available now: x # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # +-+ # This function is a new operator # arguments: # x -- numeric # y -- numeric # returns: # x - y `+-+` <- function(x, y) x - y 5 +-+ 5 5 +-+ 1 # Remove the new operator: rm(`+-+`) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # create a list x <- c(10:20) x # %in% can find an element in a vector 2 %in% x # FALSE since 2 is not an element of x 11 %in% x # TRUE since 11 is in x x[x %in% c(12,13)] # selects elements from x x[2:4] # selects the elements with index # between 2 and 4 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # %*% the matrix multiplication (or crossproduct) M = matrix(c(1,2,3,7,8,9,4,5,6), nrow = 3,ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE) M %*% t(M) M %*% M exp(M) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if (logical statement) { executed if logical statement is true } else { executed if the logical statement if false } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1890) x <- rnorm(1) if (x < 0) { print('x is negative') } else if (x > 0) { print('x is positive') } else { print('x is zero') } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 122 if (x < 10) { print('less than ten') } else if (x < 100) { print('between 10 and 100') } else if (x < 1000) { print('between 100 and 1000') } else { print('bigger than 1000 (or equal to 1000)') } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- TRUE y <- pi y <- if (x) 1 else 2 y # y is now 1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- z <- 0 y <- if (x) {1; z <- 6} else 2 y # y is now 6 z # z is also 6 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 1:6 ifelse(x %% 2 == 0, 'even', 'odd') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 1:6 y <- LETTERS[1:3] ifelse(x %% 2 == 0, 'even', y) # Note that y gets recycled! # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 'b' x_info <- switch(x, 'a' = "One", 'b' = "Two", 'c' = "Three", stop("Error: invalid `x` value") ) # x_info should be 'two' now: x_info # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 'b' x_info <- if (x == 'a' ) { "One" } else if (x == 'b') { "Two" } else if (x == 'c') { "Three" } else { stop("Error: invalid `x` value") } # x_info should be 'two' now: x_info # --------------------------------------------------------------------- for (value in vector) { statements } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- LETTERS[1:5] for ( j in x) { print(j) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(0, 1, -1, 102, 102) for ( j in x) { print(j) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- repeat { commands if(condition) {break} } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(1,2) c <- 2 repeat { print(x+c) c <- c+1 if(c > 4) {break} } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- while (test_expression) { statement } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(1,2); c <- 2 while (c < 4) { print(x+c) c <- c + 1 } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v <- c(1:5) for (j in v) { if (j == 3) { print("--break--") break } print(j) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v <- c(1:5) for (j in v) { if (j == 3) { print("--skip--") next } print(j) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- n <- 10^7 v1 <- 1:n # -- using vector arithmetic t0 <- Sys.time() v2 <- v1 * 2 t1 <- Sys.time() - t0 print(t1) # -- using a for loop rm(v2) v2 <- c() t0 <- Sys.time() for (k in v1) v2[k] <- v1[k] * 2 t2 <- Sys.time() - t0 print(t2) # t1 and t2 are difftime objects and only differences # are defined. # To get the quotient, we need to coerce them to numeric. T_rel <- as.numeric(t2, units = "secs") / as.numeric(t1, units = "secs") T_rel # --------------------------------------------------------------------- help(c) # shows help help with the function c ?c # same result apropos("cov") # fuzzy search for functions # --------------------------------------------------------------------- function_name <- function(arg_1, arg_2, ...) { function_body return_value } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # c_surface # Calculates the surface of a circle # Arguments: # radius -- numeric, the radius of the circle # Returns # the surface of the cicle c_surface <- function(radius) { x <- radius ^ 2 * pi return (x) } # Test the function: c_surface(2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # c_surface # Calculates the surface of a circle # Arguments: # radius -- numeric, the radius of the circle # Returns # the surface of the cicle c_surface <- function(radius) { radius ^ 2 * pi } # Test the function: c_surface(2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Edit the function with vi: fix(c_surface) # Or us edit: c_surface <- edit() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- c_surface <- function(radius = 2) { radius ^ 2 * pi } c_surface(1) c_surface() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Download the package (only once): install.packages('DiagrammeR') # Load it before we can use it (once per session): library(DiagrammeR) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # See the path where libraries are stored: .libPaths() # See the list of installed packages: library() # See the list of currently loaded packages: search() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # available.packages() gets a list: pkgs <- available.packages(filters = "duplicates") colnames(pkgs) # We don't need all, just keep the name: pkgs <- pkgs[,'Package'] # Show the results: print(paste('Today, there are', nrow(pkgs), 'packages for R.')) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the list (only names): my_pkgs <- library()$results[,1] # Show the results: print(paste('I have', length(my_pkgs), 'packages for R.')) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # See all installed packages: installed.packages() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # List all out-dated packages: old.packages() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update all available packages: update.packages() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update all packages in batch mode: update.packages(ask = FALSE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update one package (example with the TTR package): install.packages("TTR") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- t <- readLines(file.choose()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- t <- readLines("R.book.txt") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # To read a CSV-file it needs to be in the current directory # or we need to supply the full path, or go first to the relevant folder. setwd("./data/") # change working directory data <- read.csv("eurofxref-hist.csv") is.data.frame(data) ncol(data) nrow(data) head(data) hist(data$CAD, col = 'khaki3') plot(data$USD, data$CAD, col = 'red') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- <> # get the maximum exchange rate maxCAD <- max(data$CAD) # use SQL-like selection d0 <- subset(data, CAD == maxCAD) d1 <- subset(data, CAD > maxCAD - 0.1) d1[,1] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- d2 <- data.frame(d1$Date,d1$CAD) d2 hist(d2$d1.CAD, col = 'khaki3') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- <> write.csv(d2,"output.csv", row.names = FALSE) new.d2 <- read.csv("output.csv") print(new.d2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # install the package xlsx if not yet done if (!any(grepl("xlsx",installed.packages()))){ install.packages("xlsx")} library(xlsx) data <- read.xlsx("input.xlsx", sheetIndex = 1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- if(!any(grepl("xls", installed.packages()))){ install.packages("RMySQL")} library(RMySQL) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The connection is stored in an R object, myConnection, and # it needs the database name (db_name), username and password myConnection = dbConnect(MySQL(), user = 'root', password = 'xxx', dbname = 'db_name', host = 'localhost') # e.g. list the tables available in this database. dbListTables(myConnection) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare the query for the database result <- dbSendQuery(myConnection, "SELECT * from tbl_students WHERE age > 33") # fetch() will get us the results, it takes a parameter n, which # is the number of desired records. # Fetch all the records(with n = -1) and store it in a data frame. data <- fetch(result, n = -1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sSQL = "" sSQL[1] <- "UPDATE tbl_students SET score = 'A' WHERE raw_score > 90;" sSQL[2] <- "INSERT INTO tbl_students (name, class, score, raw_score) VALUES ('Robert', 'Grade 0', 88,NULL);" sSQL[3] <- "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tbl_students;" for (k in c(1:3)){ dbSendQuery(myConnection, sSQL[k]) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- dbWriteTable(myConnection, "tbl_name", data_frame_name[, ], overwrite = TRUE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- environment() # get the environment rm(list = ls()) # clear the environment ls() # list all objects a <- "a" f <- function (x) print(x) ls() # note that x is not part of.GlobalEnv # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # f # Multiple actions and side effects to illustrate environments # Arguments: # x -- single type f <- function(x){ # define a local function g() within f() g <- function(y){ b <- "local variable in g()" print(" -- function g() -- ") print(environment()) print(ls()) print(paste("b is", b)) print(paste("c is", c)) } # actions in function f: a <<- 'new value for a, also in Global_env' x <- 'new value for x' b <- d # d is taken from the environment higher c <- "only defined in f(), not in g()" g("parameter to g") print(" -- function f() -- ") print(environment()) print(ls()) print(paste("a is", a)) print(paste("b is", b)) print(paste("c is", c)) print(paste("x is", x)) } # Test the function f(): b <- 0 a <- c <- d <- pi rm(x) f(a) # Check the existence and values: a # a is also changed in Global_env by f() b # b had another value in g() but is not changed in Global_env c # the value of b is not influenced by f() x # x was only defined in f() and hence is not available anymore # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 'Philippe' rm(x) # make sure the definition is removed x # x is indeed not there (generates an error message) x <- 2L # now x is created as a long integer x <- pi # coerced to double (real) x <- c(LETTERS[1:5]) # now it is a vector of strings # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # f # Demonstrates the scope of variables f <- function() { a <- pi # define local variable print(a) # print the local variable print(b) # b is not in the scope of the function } # Define two variables a and b a <- 1 b <- 2 # Run the function and note that it knows both a and b. # For b it cannot find a local definition and hence # uses the definition of the higher level of scope. f() # f() did not change the value of a in the environment that called f(): print(a) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Citation from the R documentation: # Copyright (C) 1997-8 The R Core Team open.account <- function(total) { list( deposit = function(amount) { if(amount <= 0) stop("Deposits must be positive!\n") total <<- total + amount cat(amount,"deposited. Your balance is", total, "\n\n") }, withdraw = function(amount) { if(amount > total) stop("You do not have that much money!\n") total <<- total - amount cat(amount,"withdrawn. Your balance is", total, "\n\n") }, balance = function() { cat("Your balance is", total, "\n\n") } ) } ross <- open.account(100) robert <- open.account(200) ross$withdraw(30) ross$balance() robert$balance() ross$deposit(50) ross$balance() try(ross$withdraw(500)) # no way.. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- rm(list=ls()) # clear the environment # --------------------------------------------------------------------- L <- list(matrix(1:16, nrow=4)) L$data_source <- "mainframe 1" L$get_data_src <- function(){L$data_source} print(L$get_data_src()) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define a string: acc <- "Philippe" # Force an attribute, balance, on it: acc$balance <- 100 # Inspect the result: acc # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # a function build in core R typeof(mean) is.primitive(mean) # user defined function are "closures: add1 <- function(x) {x+1} typeof(add1) is.function(add1) is.object(add1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # is.S3 # Determines if an object is S3 # Arguments: # x -- an object # Returns: # boolean -- TRUE if x is S3, FALSE otherwise is.S3 <- function(x){is.object(x) & !isS4(x)} # Create two test objects: M <- matrix(1:16, nrow=4) df <- data.frame(M) # Test our new function: is.S3(M) is.S3(df) is.S3(1 + 2i) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define a function to check if something is S3: is.S3 <- function(x){is.object(x) & !isS4(x)} # A string is a base type and not an non-S3 ojbect: x <- 'x' is.S3(x) # A string with a class attribute is a valid S3 object: class(x) <- 'myclass' is.S3(x) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define the method print for the class myclass: print.myclass <- function(x) {print(paste0('Hello, ', x, '.'))} # Test it, first with the existing myclass object: print(x) # Test it on a character base type (string): print('x') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(pryr) otype(M) otype(df) otype(df$X1) # a vector is not S3 df$fac <-factor(df$X4) otype(df$fac) # a factor is S3 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- mean ftype(mean) sum ftype(sum) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- apropos("print.") apropos("mean.") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- methods(methods) methods(mean) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- getS3method("print","table") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- methods(class = "data.frame") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_curr_acc <- list("name" = "Philippe", "balance" <- 100) class(my_curr_acc) <- "account" # set the class attribute otype(my_curr_acc) # it is an S3 object class(my_curr_acc) # the class type is defined above # Note that the class attribute is not visible in the structure: str(my_curr_acc) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_object <- structure(list(), class = "boringClass") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # print.account # Print an object of type 'account' # Arguments: # x -- an object of type account print.account <- function(x){ print(paste("account holder",x[[1]],sep=": ")) print(paste("balance ",x[[2]],sep=": ")) } print(my_curr_acc) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # account # Constructor function for an object of type account # Arguments: # x -- character (the name of the account holder) # y -- numeric (the initial balance of the account # Returns: # Error message in console in case of failure. account <- function(x,y) { if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("Balance must be numeric!") if (!is.atomic(x)) stop("Name must be atomic!!") if (!is.character(x)) stop("Name must be a string!") structure(list("name" = x, "balance" = y), class = "account") } # create a new instance for Paul: paul_account <- account("Paul", 200) # print the object with print.account(): paul_account # --------------------------------------------------------------------- class(paul_account) <- "data.frame" print(paul_account) # R thinks now it is a data.frame paul_account[[2]] # the data is still correct class(paul_account) <- "account" print(paul_account) # back to normal: the class is just an attribute # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_balance # Dispatcher function to handle the action of adding a given amount # to the balance of an account object. # Arguments: # x -- account -- the account object # amount -- numeric -- the amount to add to the balance add_balance <- function(x, amount) UseMethod("add_balance") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_balance.account # Object specific function for an account for the dispatcher # function add_balance() # Arguments: # x -- account -- the account object # amount -- numeric -- the amount to add to the balance add_balance.account <- function(x, amount) { x[[2]] <- x[[2]] + amount; # Note that much more testing and logic can go here # It is not so easy to pass a pointer to a function so we # return the new balance: x[[2]]} # Test the function: my_curr_acc <- add_balance(my_curr_acc, 225) print(my_curr_acc) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # add_balance.default # The default action for the dispatcher function add_balance # Arguments: # x -- account -- the account object # amount -- numeric -- the amount to add to the balance add_balance.default <- function(x, amount) { stop("Object provided not of type account.") } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # probe # Dispatcher function # Arguments: # x -- account object # Returns # confirmation of object type probe <- function(x) UseMethod("probe") # probe.account # action for account object for dispatcher function probe() # Arguments: # x -- account object # Returns # confirmation of object "account" probe.account <- function(x) "This is a bank account" # probe.default # action if an incorrect object type is provided to probe() # Arguments: # x -- account object # Returns # error message probe.default <- function(x) "Sorry. Unknown class" probe (structure(list(), class = "account")) # No method for class 'customer', fallback to 'account' probe(structure(list(), class = c("customer", "account"))) # No method for class 'customer', so falls back to default probe(structure(list(), class = "customer")) # Fallback to default for data.frame: probe(df) # Force R to use the account method, by omitting the dispatcher function: probe.account(df) # First create an account object and then test: my_curr_acc <- account("Philippe", 150) probe(my_curr_acc) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the object type Acc to hold bank-accounts: setClass("Acc", representation(holder = "character", branch = "character", opening_date = "Date")) # Create the object type Bnk (bank): setClass("Bnk", representation(name = "character", phone = "numeric")) # Define current account as a child of Acc: setClass("CurrAcc", representation(interest_rate = "numeric", balance = "numeric"), contains = "Acc") # Define investment account as a child of Acc setClass("InvAcc", representation(custodian = "Bnk"), contains = "Acc") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create an instance of Bnk: my_cust_bank <- new("Bnk", name = "HSBC", phone = 123456789) # Create an instance of Acc: my_acc <- new("Acc", holder = "Philippe", branch = "BXL12", opening_date = as.Date("2018-10-02")) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check if it is really an S4 object: isS4(my_cust_bank) # Change the phone number and check: my_cust_bank@phone = 987654321 # change the phone number print(my_cust_bank@phone) # check if it changed # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This will do the same as my_cust_bank@phone: attr(my_cust_bank, 'phone') # The function also allows partial matching: attr(my_cust_bank, which='ph', exact = FALSE) # attr can also change the value of an attribute. attr(my_cust_bank, which='phone') <- '123123123' # Let us verify: my_cust_bank@phone # It is even possible to create a new attribute or remove one. attr(my_cust_bank, 'something') <- 'Philippe' attr(my_cust_bank, 'something') attr(my_cust_bank, 'something') <- NULL attr(my_cust_bank, 'something') str(my_cust_bank) # the something attribute is totally gone # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- 1:9 x # x is a vector class(x) attr(x, "dim") <- c(3,3) x # is is now a matrix! class(x) # but R is not fooled. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- slot(my_acc, "holder") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_curr_acc <- new("CurrAcc", holder = "Philippe", interest_rate = 0.01, balance = 0, branch = "LDN12", opening_date = as.Date("2018-12-01")) # Note that the following does not work and is bound to fail: also_an_account <- new("CurrAcc", holder = "Philippe", interest_rate = 0.01, balance = 0, Acc = my_acc) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_curr_acc@balance <- 500 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_inv_acc <- new("InvAcc", custodian = my_cust_bank, holder = "Philippe", branch = "DUB01", opening_date = as.Date("2019-02-21")) # note that the first slot is another S4 object: my_inv_acc # --------------------------------------------------------------------- my_inv_acc@custodian # our custodian bank is HSBC my_inv_acc@custodian@name # note the cascade of @ signs my_inv_acc@custodian@name <- "DB" # change it to DB my_inv_acc@custodian@name # yes, it is changed my_cust_bank@name # but our original bank isn't my_cust_bank@name <- "HSBC Custody" # try something different my_inv_acc@custodian@name # did not affect the account my_inv_acc@custodian@name <- my_cust_bank@name # change back # --------------------------------------------------------------------- getSlots("Acc") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note the mistake in the following code: my_curr_acc <- new("CurrAcc", holder = "Philippe", interest_rate = 0.01, balance = "0", # Here is the mistake! branch = "LDN12", opening_date = as.Date("2018-12-01")) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x_account <- new("CurrAcc", holder = "Philippe", interest_rate = 0.01, #no balance provided branch = "LDN12", opening_date = as.Date("2018-12-01")) # Show what R did with it: x_account@balance # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define the S4 class with a default for balance: setClass("CurrAcc", representation(interest_rate = "numeric", balance = "numeric"), contains = "Acc", prototype(holder = NA_character_, interst_rate = NA_real_, balance = 0)) # Create an instance x_account: x_account <- new("CurrAcc", # no holder # no interest rate # no balance branch = "LDN12", opening_date = as.Date("2018-12-01")) # Show the details of the object (note the defaults filled in): x_account # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is constructor function for a current account, it does something similar # to opening and account in a bank branch: .CurrAcc <- function (holder, interest_rate # branch we know from the user # balance should be 0 # opening_date is today ) { error_msg = "Invalid input while creating an account\n" if (is.atomic(holder) & !is.character(holder)) { stop(error_msg, "Invalid holder name.") } if (!(is.atomic(interest_rate) & is.numeric(interest_rate) & (interest_rate >= 0) & (interest_rate < 0.1))) { stop(error_msg, "Interest rate invalid.") } br <- "PAR01" # pretending to find balance by looking up user dt <- as.Date(Sys.Date()) new("CurrAcc", holder = holder, interest_rate = interest_rate, balance=0, branch = br, opening_date= dt) } # Create a new account: lisa_curr_acc <- .CurrAcc("Lisa", 0.01) lisa_curr_acc # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Here is the prototype of a dataset that holds some extra # information in a structured way. setClass("myDataFrame", contains = "data.frame", slots = list(MySQL_DB = "character", MySQL_tbl = "character", data_owner = "character" ) ) xdf <- new("myDataFrame", data.frame(matrix(1:9, nrow=3)), MySQL_DB = "myCorporateDB@", MySQL_tbl = "tbl_current_accounts", data_owner = "customer relationship team") xdf@.Data xdf@data_owner # --------------------------------------------------------------------- str(my_inv_acc) isS4(my_inv_acc) pryr::otype(my_inv_acc) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- is(my_inv_acc) is(my_inv_acc, "Acc") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- is.S3 # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # setGeneric needs a function, so we need to create it first. # credit # Dispatcher function to credit the ledger of an object of # type 'account'. # Arguments: # x -- account object # y -- numeric -- the amount to be credited credit <- function(x,y){useMethod()} # transform our function credit() to a generic one: setGeneric("credit") # Add the credit function to the object CurrAcc setMethod("credit", c("CurrAcc"), function (x, y) { new_bal <- x@balance + y new_bal } ) # Test the function: my_curr_acc@balance my_curr_acc@balance <- credit(my_curr_acc, 100) my_curr_acc@balance # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # debet # Generic function to debet an account # Arguments: # x -- account object # y -- numeric -- the amount to be taken from the account # Returns # confirmation of action or lack thereof debet <- function(x,y){useMethod()} # Make it a generic function that verifies the balance # before the account a debet is booked. setGeneric("debet") # Add the debet() function as a method for objects of type CurrAcc setMethod("debet", c("CurrAcc"), function (x, y) { if(x@balance >= y) { new_bal <- x@balance + y} else { stop("Not enough balance.") } new_bal } ) # Test the construction: my_curr_acc@balance # for reference my_curr_acc@balance <- debet(my_curr_acc, 50) my_curr_acc@balance # the balance is changed # We do not have enough balance to debet 5000, so the # following should fail: my_curr_acc@balance <- debet(my_curr_acc, 5000) my_curr_acc@balance # the balance is indeed unchanged: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- selectMethod("credit", list("CurrAcc")) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note that we capture the returned value of the setRefClass in this generator function. # Give this always the same name as the class. account <- setRefClass("account", fields = list(ref_number = "numeric", holder = "character", branch = "character", opening_date = "Date", account_type = "character" ), # no method yet. ) # Create an instance: x_acc <- account$new(ref_number = 321654987, holder = "Philippe", branch = "LDN05", opening_date = as.Date(Sys.Date()), account_type = "current" ) # Show the instance: x_acc # --------------------------------------------------------------------- setRefClass("account", fields = c("ref_number", "holder", "branch", "opening_date", "account_type" ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- setRefClass("account", fields = list(holder, # accepts all types branch, # accepts all types opening_date = "Date" # dates only ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- isS4(account) # account is S4 and it has a lot more than we have defined: account # --------------------------------------------------------------------- account$fields() account$help() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- custBank <- setRefClass("custBank", fields = list(name = "character", phone = "character" ) ) invAccount <- setRefClass("invAccount", fields = list(custodian = "custBank"), contains = c("account") # methods go here ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Definition of RC object currentAccount currAccount <- setRefClass("currentAccount", fields = list(interest_rate = "numeric", balance = "numeric"), contains = c("account"), methods = list( credit = function(amnt) { balance <<- balance + amnt }, debet = function(amnt) { if (amnt <= balance) { balance <<- balance - amnt } else { stop("Not rich enough!") } } ) ) # note how the class reports on itself: currAccount # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ph_acc <- currAccount$new(ref_number = 321654987, holder = "Philippe", branch = "LDN05", opening_date = as.Date(Sys.Date()), account_type = "current", interest_rate = 0.01, balance = 0 ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ph_acc$balance # after creating balance is 0: ph_acc$debet(200) # impossible (not enough balance) ph_acc$credit(200) # add 200 to the acount ph_acc$balance # the money arrived in our account ph_acc$debet(100) # this is possible ph_acc$balance # the money is indeed gone # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the class without methods: alsoCurrAccount <- setRefClass("currentAccount", fields = list( interest_rate = "numeric", balance = "numeric"), contains = c("account") ) # Add the methods: alsoCurrAccount$methods(list( credit = function(amnt) { balance <<- balance + amnt }, debet = function(amnt) { if (amnt <= balance) { balance <<- balance - amnt } else { stop("Not rich enough!") } } )) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # we assume that you installed the package before: # install.packages("tidyverse") # so load it: library(tidyverse) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- seq(from = 0, to = 2 * pi, length.out = 100) s <- sin(x) c <- cos(x) z <- s + c plot(x, z, type = "l",col="red", lwd=7) lines(x, c, col = "blue", lwd = 1.5) lines(x, s, col = "darkolivegreen", lwd = 1.5) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- seq(from = 0, to = 2 * pi, length.out = 100) #df <- as.data.frame((x)) df <- rbind(as.data.frame((x)),cos(x),sin(x), cos(x) + sin(x)) # plot etc. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidyverse) x <- seq(from = 0, to = 2 * pi, length.out = 100) tb <- tibble(x, sin(x), cos(x), cos(x) + sin(x)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Note how concise and relevant the output is: print(tb) # This does the same as for a data-frame: plot(tb) # Actually a tibble will still behave as a data frame: is.data.frame(tb) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The first column can be referred to directly: tb$x[1] # To address the sin(x) column, we need back-tics: tb$`sin(x)`[1] # Or refer to the column by its index: tb[,2] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- tb <- tibble(`1` = 1:3, `2` = sin(`1`), `1`*pi, 1*pi) tb # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # -1- data frame df <- data.frame("value" = pi, "name" = "pi") df$na # partial matching of column names # automatic conversion to factor, plus data frame # accepts strings: df[,"name"] df[,c("name", "value")] # -2- tibble df <- tibble("value" = pi, "name" = "pi") df$name # column name df$nam # no partial matching but error msg. df[,"name"] # this returns a tibble (no simplification) df[,c("name", "value")] # no conversion to factor # --------------------------------------------------------------------- tb <- tibble(c("a", "b", "c"), c(1,2,3), 9L,9) is.data.frame(tb) # Note also that tibble did no conversion to factors, and # note that the tibble also recycles the scalars: tb # Coerce the tibble to data-frame: as.data.frame(tb) # A tibble does not recycle shorter vectors, so this fails: fail <- tibble(c("a", "b", "c"), c(1,2)) # That is a major advantage and will save many programming errors. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- t <- tibble("x" = runif(10)) t <- within(t, y <- 2 * x + 4 + rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 0.5)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- t <- tibble("x" = runif(10)) %>% within(y <- 2 * x + 4 + rnorm(10, mean = 0,sd = 0.5)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1. pipe: a %>% f() # 2. pipe with shortened function: a %>% f # 3. is equivalent with: f(a) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- a <- c(1:10) a %>% mean() a %>% mean mean(a) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following line c <- a %>% f() # is equivalent with: c <- f(a) # Also, it is easy to see that x <- a %>% f(y) %>% g(z) # is the same as: x <- g(f(a, y), z) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # f1 # Dummy function that from which only the error throwing part # is shown. f1 <- function() { # Here goes the long code that might be doing something risky # (e.g. connecting to a database, uploading file, etc.) # and finally, if it goes wrong: stop("Early exit from f1!") # throw error } tryCatch(f1(), # the function to try error = function(e) {paste("_ERROR_:",e)}, warning = function(w) {paste("_WARNING_:",w)}, message = function(m) {paste("_MESSSAGE_:",m)}, finally="Last command" # do at the end ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # f1 # Dummy function that from which only the error throwing part # is shown. f1 <- function() { # Here goes the long code that might be doing something risky # (e.g. connecting to a database, uploading file, etc.) # and finally, if it goes wrong: stop("Early exit from f1!") # something went wrong } %>% tryCatch( error = function(e) {paste("_ERROR_:",e)}, warning = function(w) {paste("_WARNING_:",w)}, message = function(m) {paste("_MESSSAGE_:",m)}, finally="Last command" # do at the end ) # Note that it fails in silence. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This will not work, because lm() is not designed for the pipe. lm1 <- tibble("x" = runif(10)) %>% within(y <- 2 * x + 4 + rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=0.5)) %>% lm(y ~ x) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The Tidyverse only makes the %>% pipe available. So, to use the # special pipes, we need to load magrittr library(magrittr) lm2 <- tibble("x" = runif(10)) %>% within(y <- 2 * x + 4 + rnorm(10, mean=0,sd=0.5)) %$% lm(y ~ x) summary(lm2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- coeff <- tibble("x" = runif(10)) %>% within(y <- 2 * x + 4 + rnorm(10, mean=0,sd=0.5)) %$% lm(y ~ x) %>% summary %>% coefficients coeff # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(magrittr) t <- tibble("x" = runif(100)) %>% within(y <- 2 * x + 4 + rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=0.5)) %T>% plot(col="red") # The function plot does not return anything # so we used the %T>% pipe. Hence the result of # within() is passed to t. lm3 <- t %$% lm(y ~ x) %T>% # pass on the linear model for assignment summary %T>% # further pass on the linear model coefficients tcoef <- lm3 %>% coefficients # we anyhow need the coefficients # Add the model (the solid line) to the previous plot: abline(a = tcoef[1], b=tcoef[2], col="blue", lwd = 3) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(1,2,3) # The following line: x <- x %>% mean # is equivalent with the following: x %<>% mean # Show x: x # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(pryr) x <- runif(100) object_size(x) y <- x # x and y together do not take more memory than only x. object_size(x,y) y <- y * 2 # Now, they are different and are stored separately in memory. object_size(x,y) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The mean of a vector: x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,60) mean(x) # Missing values will block the override the result: x <- c(1,2,3,4,5,60,NA) mean(x) # Missing values can be ignored with na.rm = TRUE: mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) # This works also for a matrix: M <- matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,60), nrow=3) mean(M) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- v <- c(1,2,3,4,5,6000) mean(v) mean(v, trim = 0.2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- returns <- c(0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5) # Arithmetic mean: aritmean <- mean(returns) # The ln-mean: log_returns <- returns for(k in 1:length(returns)) { log_returns[k] <- log( returns[k] + 1) } logmean <- mean(log_returns) exp(logmean) - 1 # What is the value of the investment after these returns: V_0 <- 1 V_T <- V_0 for(k in 1:length(returns)) { V_T <- V_T * (returns[k] + 1) } V_T # Compare this to our predictions: ## mean of log-returns V_0 * (exp(logmean) - 1) ## mean of returns V_0 * (aritmean + 1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(1:5,5e10,NA) x median(x) # no meaningful result with NAs median(x,na.rm = TRUE) # ignore the NA # Note how the median is not impacted by the outlier, # but the outlier dominates the mean: mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # my_mode # Finds the first mode (only one) # Arguments: # v -- numeric vector or factor # Returns: # the first mode my_mode <- function(v) { uniqv <- unique(v) tabv <- tabulate(match(v, uniqv)) uniqv[which.max(tabv)] } # now test this function x <- c(1,2,3,3,4,5,60,NA) my_mode(x) x1 <- c("relevant", "N/A", "undesired", "great", "N/A", "undesired", "great", "great") my_mode(x1) # text from https://www.r-project.org/about.html t <- "R is available as Free Software under the terms of the Free Software Foundation's GNU General Public License in source code form. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms and similar systems (including FreeBSD and Linux), Windows and MacOS." v <- unlist(strsplit(t,split=" ")) my_mode(v) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # my_mode # Finds the mode(s) of a vector v # Arguments: # v -- numeric vector or factor # return.all -- boolean -- set to true to return all modes # Returns: # the modal elements my_mode <- function(v, return.all = FALSE) { uniqv <- unique(v) tabv <- tabulate(match(v, uniqv)) if (return.all) { uniqv[tabv == max(tabv)] } else { uniqv[which.max(tabv)] } } # example: x <- c(1,2,2,3,3,4,5) my_mode(x) my_mode(x, return.all = TRUE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- t <- rnorm(100, mean=0, sd=20) var(t) sd(t) sqrt(var(t)) sqrt(sum((t - mean(t))^2)/(length(t) - 1)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- mad(t) mad(t,constant=1) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- cor(mtcars$hp,mtcars$wt) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- d <- data.frame(mpg = mtcars$mpg, wt = mtcars$wt, hp = mtcars$hp) # Note that we can feed a whole data-frame in the functions. var(d) cov(d) cor(d) cov2cor(cov(d)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(-10:10) df <- data.frame(x=x, x_sq=x^2, x_abs=abs(x), x_exp=exp(x)) cor(df) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- cor(rank(df$x), rank(df$x_sq)) cor(rank(df$x), rank(df$x_abs)) cor(rank(df$x), rank(df$x_exp)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(-10:10) cor(rank(x), rank(x^2)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # we use the dataset mtcars from MASS df <- data.frame(mtcars$cyl,mtcars$am) chisq.test(df) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- obs <- rnorm(600,10,3) hist(obs,col="khaki3",freq=FALSE) x <- seq(from=0,to=20,by=0.001) lines(x, dnorm(x,10,3),col="blue",lwd = 4) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(MASS) hist(SP500,col="khaki3",freq=FALSE,border="khaki3") x <- seq(from=-5,to=5,by=0.001) lines(x, dnorm(x,mean(SP500),sd(SP500)),col="blue",lwd=2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(MASS) qqnorm(SP500,col="red"); qqline(SP500,col="blue") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Probability of getting 5 or less heads from 10 tosses of # a coin. pbinom(5,10,0.5) # visualize this for one to 10 numbers of tosses x <- 1:10 y <- pbinom(x,10,0.5) plot(x,y,type="b",col="blue", lwd = 3, xlab="Number of tails", ylab="prob of maxium x tails", main="Ten tosses of a coin") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # How many heads should we at least expect (with a probability # of 0.25) when a coin is tossed 10 times. qbinom(0.25,10,1/2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find 20 random numbers of tails from and event of 10 tosses # of a coin rbinom(20,10,.5) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- N <- 100 t <- data.frame(id = 1:N, result = rnorm(N)) summary(t) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidyverse) # provides %>%, group_by, etc. # In mtcars the type of the car is only in the column names, # so we need to extract it to add it to the data n <- rownames(mtcars) # Now, add a column brand (use the first letters of the type) t <- mtcars %>% mutate(brand = str_sub(n, 1, 4)) # add column # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # First, we need to find out which are the most abundant brands # in our dataset (set cutoff at 2: at least 2 cars in database) top_brands <- count(t, brand) %>% filter(n >= 2) # top_brands is not simplified to a vector in the tidyverse print(top_brands) grouped_cars <- t %>% # start with cars filter(brand %in% top_brands$brand) %>% # only top-brands group_by(brand) %>% summarise( avgDSP = round(mean(disp), 1), avgCYL = round(mean(cyl), 1), minMPG = min(mpg), medMPG = median(mpg), avgMPG = round(mean(mpg),2), maxMPG = max(mpg), ) print(grouped_cars) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Each call to summarise() removes a layer of grouping: by_vs_am <- mtcars %>% group_by(vs, am) by_vs <- by_vs_am %>% summarise(n = n()) by_vs by_vs %>% summarise(n = sum(n)) # To removing grouping, use ungroup: by_vs %>% ungroup() %>% summarise(n = sum(n)) # You can group by expressions: this is just short-hand for # a mutate/rename followed by a simple group_by: mtcars %>% group_by(vsam = vs + am) # By default, group_by overrides existing grouping: mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% group_by(vs, am) %>% group_vars() # Use add = TRUE to append grouping levels: mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>% group_by(vs, am, add = TRUE) %>% group_vars() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot a vector: x <- c(1:20)^2 plot(x) # Plot a data frame: df <- data.frame('a' = x, 'b' = 1/x, 'c' = log(x), 'd' = sqrt(x)) plot(df) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # This sets up an empty plotting field plot(x = c(0, 4.5), y = c(0, 5), main = "Some pch arguments", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", cex.main = 2.6, col = "white" ) # This will plot all of the standard pch arguments y = rep(5:0, each=5) for (i in 0:25) { points(x = i %% 5, y = y[i+1], pch = i,cex = 2, col="blue", bg="khaki3") text(0.3 + i %% 5, y = y[i+1], i, cex = 2) } for (i in 1:2) { ch <- LETTERS[i] points(x = i, y = 0, pch = ch,cex = 2, col="red") text(0.3 + i, y = 0, ch, cex = 2) } for (i in 1:2) { ch <- letters[i] points(x = i + 2, y = 0, pch = ch,cex = 2, col="red") text(0.3 + i + 2, y = 0, ch, cex = 2) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Import the data: library(MASS) # To make this example more interesting, we convert mpg to l/100km # mpg2l # Converts miles per gallon into litres per 100 km # Arguments: # mpg -- numeric -- fuel consumption in MPG # Returns: # Numeric -- fuel consumption in litres per 100 km mpg2l <- function(mpg = 0) { 100 * 3.785411784 / 1.609344 / mpg} mtcars$l <- mpg2l(mtcars$mpg) plot(x = mtcars$hp,y = mtcars$l, xlab = "Horse Power", ylab = "L per 100km", main = "Horse Power vs Milage", pch = 22, col="red", bg="yellow") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare the data: years <- c(2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005) sales <- c(2000,2101,3002,2803,3500,3450) plot(x = years,y = sales, type = 'b', xlab = "Years", ylab = "Sales in USD", main = "The evolution of our sales") points(2004,3500,col="red",pch=16) # highlight one point text(2004,3400,"top sales") # annotate the highlight # --------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- c(10, 20, 12) # Create data for the graph labels <- c("good", "average", "bad") pie(x,labels) # Show in the R Graphics screen # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Illustrating how to saving a plot to a file (assuming x exists): png(file = "feedback.jpg") # Give the chart file a name pie(x,labels) # Plot the chart dev.off() # Save the file # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sales <- c(100,200,150,50,125) regions <- c("France", "Poland", "UK", "Spain", "Belgium") barplot(sales, width=1, xlab="Regions", ylab="Sales in EUR", main="Sales 2016", names.arg=regions, border="blue", col="brown") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the input vectors: colours <- c("orange","green","brown") regions <- c("Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul") product <- c("License","Maintenance","Consulting") # Create the matrix of the values. values <- matrix(c(20,80,0,50,140,10,50,80,20,10,30, 10,25,60,50), nrow = 3, ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE) # Create the bar chart: barplot(values, main = "Sales 2016", names.arg = regions, xlab = "Region", ylab = "Sales in EUR", col = colours) # Add the legend to the chart: legend("topright", product, cex = 1.3, fill = colours) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # We reuse the matrix 'values' from previous example. # Add extra space to right of plot area by changeing clipping to figure: par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 8) + 0.1, # default margin was c(5, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1 xpd = TRUE) # TRUE to restrict all plotting to the plot region # Create the plot with all totals coerced to 1.0 with prop.table(): barplot(prop.table(values, 2), main = "Sales 2016", names.arg = regions, xlab = "Region", ylab = "Sales in EUR", col = colours) # Add the legend, but move it to the right with inset: legend("topright", product, cex = 1.0, inset=c(-0.3,0), fill = colours, title="Business line") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(MASS) boxplot(mpg ~ cyl,data=mtcars,col="khaki3", main="MPG by number of cylinders") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # install.packages('vioplot') # only do once library(vioplot) # load the vioplot library with(mtcars , vioplot(mpg[cyl==4] , mpg[cyl==6], mpg[cyl==8], col=rgb(0.1,0.4,0.7,0.7) , names=c("4","6","8") ) ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Library library(ggplot2) # First, type of color (color coded in function of number of cylinders as numeric): ggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(cyl), mpg)) + geom_violin(aes(fill = cyl)) # Second type (color coded in function of number of cylinders as factors): ggplot(mtcars, aes(factor(cyl), mpg)) + geom_violin(aes(fill = factor(cyl))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(MASS) incidents <- ships$incidents # figure 1: with a rug and fixed breaks hist(incidents, col=c("red","orange","yellow","green","blue","purple")) rug(jitter(incidents)) # add the tick-marks # figure 2: user-defined breaks for the buckets hist(incidents, col=c("red","orange","yellow","green","blue","purple"), ylim=c(0,0.3), breaks=c(0,2,5,10,20,40,80),freq=FALSE) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- fn1 <- function(x) sqrt(1-(abs(x)-1)^2) fn2 <- function(x) -3*sqrt(1-sqrt(abs(x))/sqrt(2)) curve(fn1,-2,2,ylim=c(-3,1),col="red",lwd = 4, ylab = expression(sqrt(1-(abs(x)-1)^2) +++ fn_2)) curve(fn2,-2,2,add=TRUE,lw=4,col="red") text(0,-1,expression(sqrt(1-(abs(x)-1)^2))) text(0,-1.25,"++++") text(0,-1.5,expression(-3*sqrt(1-sqrt(abs(x))/sqrt(2)))) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # A basic plot is possible with the function image() # image(volcano) # We present an improved plot as per documentation of image(). # First we need the size of the image to plot: x <- 1:nrow(volcano) y <- 1:ncol(volcano) # the mapping of colours. image(x, y, volcano, col = terrain.colors(100), axes = FALSE, xlab='', ylab='') # add the contour plot contour(x, y, volcano, levels = seq(90, 200, by = 5), add = TRUE, col = "brown") # add axis, a box and a title: axis(1, at = seq(10, 80, by = 10)) axis(2, at = seq(10, 60, by = 10)) box() title(main = "Auckland's Maunga Whau Volcano", font.main = 4) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- d = as.matrix(mtcars, scale = "none") heatmap(d) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- heatmap(d,scale="column") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- heatmap(x, Rowv = NULL, Colv = if(symm) "Rowv" else NULL, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, reorderfun = function(d, w) reorder(d, w), add.expr, symm = FALSE, revC = identical(Colv, "Rowv"), scale = c("row", "column", "none"), na.rm = TRUE, margins = c(5, 5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, keep.dendro = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose"), ...) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # If neccesary first download the packages: install.packages("tm") # text mining install.packages("SnowballC") # text stemming install.packages("RColorBrewer") # colour palettes install.packages("wordcloud") # word-cloud generator # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Then load the packages: library("tm") library("SnowballC") library("RColorBrewer") library("wordcloud") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # In this example we use a text version of this very book. # You will need to use your own text file in the line below: t <- readLines("data/r-book.txt") # Then create a corpus of text doc <- Corpus(VectorSource(t)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The file has still a lot of special characters # e.g. the following replaces '\', '#', and '|' with space: toSpace <- content_transformer(function (x , pattern ) gsub(pattern, " ", x)) doc <- tm_map(doc, toSpace, "\\\\") doc <- tm_map(doc, toSpace, "#") doc <- tm_map(doc, toSpace, "\\|") # Note that the backslash needs to be escaped in R # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert the text to lower case doc <- tm_map(doc, content_transformer(tolower)) # Remove numbers doc <- tm_map(doc, removeNumbers) # Remove english common stopwords doc <- tm_map(doc, removeWords, stopwords("english")) # Remove your own stop words # specify your stopwords as a character vector: doc <- tm_map(doc, removeWords, c("can","value","also","price", "cost","option","call","need","possible","might", "will","first","etc","one","portfolio", "however", "hence", "want", "simple", "therefore")) # Remove punctuations doc <- tm_map(doc, removePunctuation) # Eliminate extra white spaces doc <- tm_map(doc, stripWhitespace) # Text stemming #doc <- tm_map(doc, stemDocument) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(stringi) wordToReplace <- c('functions', 'packages') ReplaceWith <- c('function', 'package') doc <- tm_map(doc, function(x) stri_replace_all_fixed(x, wordToReplace, ReplaceWith, vectorize_all = FALSE)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- dtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(doc) m <- as.matrix(dtm) v <- sort(rowSums(m),decreasing=TRUE) d <- data.frame(word = names(v),freq=v) head(d, 10) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- barplot(d[1:10,]$freq, las = 2, names.arg = d[1:10,]$word, col ="khaki3", main ="Most frequent words", ylab = "Word frequencies") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1879) wordcloud(words = d$word, freq = d$freq, min.freq = 10, max.words=200, random.order=FALSE, rot.per=0.35, colors=brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- wordcloud(words, freq, scale = c(4,.5), min.freq = 3, max.words=Inf, random.order = TRUE, random.color=FALSE, rot.per=.1, colors = "black", ordered.colors = FALSE, use.r.layout=FALSE, fixed.asp=TRUE, ...) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- findFreqTerms(dtm, lowfreq = 150) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # e.g. for the word "function" findAssocs(dtm, terms = "function", corlimit = 0.15) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # find colour numbers that contain the word 'khaki' grep("khaki",colours()) # find the names of those colours colors()[grep("khaki",colours())] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # extract the rgb value of a named colour col2rgb("khaki3") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = hp, y = qsec, color = mpg)) + geom_point(size=5) # no manual colour specification: p0 <- p + ggtitle('Default colour range') # using named colours: p1 <- p + scale_color_gradient(low = "red", high = "green") + ggtitle('Named colour') # using hexadecimal representation p2 <- p + scale_color_gradient(low = "#0011ee", high = "#ff55a0") + ggtitle('Hexadecimal colour') # RGB definition of colour p3 <- p + scale_color_gradient(low = rgb(0,0,1), high = rgb(0.8,0.8,0)) + ggtitle('RGB colour') # rainbow colours p4 <- p + scale_color_gradientn(colours = rainbow(5)) + ggtitle('Rainbow colours') # using another colour set p5 <- p + scale_color_gradientn(colours = terrain.colors(5)) + ggtitle('Terrain colours') + theme_light() # turn off the grey background grid.arrange(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, ncol = 2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- N <- length(colours()) # this is 657 df <- data.frame(matrix(1:N, nrow=73, byrow = TRUE)) image(1:(ncol(df)), 1:(nrow(df)), as.matrix(t(df)), col = colours(), xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- colours()[(3 - 1) * 9 + 8] colours()[(50 - 1) * 9 + 1] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- p <- ggplot(mtcars) + geom_histogram(aes(cyl, fill=factor(cyl)), bins=3) # no manual colour specification: p0 <- p + ggtitle('default colour range') # using a built-in colour scale p1 <- p + scale_fill_grey() + ggtitle('Shades of grey') library(RColorBrewer) p2 <- p + scale_fill_brewer() + ggtitle('RColorBrewer') p3 <- p + scale_fill_brewer(palette='Set2') + ggtitle('RColorBrewer Set2') p4 <- p + scale_fill_brewer(palette='Accent') + ggtitle('RColorBrewer Accent') grid.arrange(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, ncol = 2) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ts(data = NA, start = 1, end = numeric(), frequency = 1, deltat = 1, ts.eps = getOption("ts.eps"), class = , names = ) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(MASS) # The SP500 is available as a numeric vector: str(SP500) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convert it to a time series object. SP500_ts <- ts(SP500,start = c(1990,1),frequency = 260) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Compare the original: class(SP500) # with: class(SP500_ts) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(SP500_ts) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- g <- read.csv('data/gdp/gdp_pol_sel.csv') # get the data attach(g) # the names of the data are now always available plot(year, GDP.per.capitia.in.current.USD, type='b', lwd = 3, xlab = 'Year', ylab = 'Polish GDP per Capita in USD') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- library(WDI) # The library WDI allows to search directly via commands like WDIsearch('gdp') # We want the GDP per capita (in constant 2010 US$) that is the series NY.GDP.PCAP.CD g = WDI(indicator='NY.GDP.PCAP.CD', country=c('PL')) # we can load more than one country g <- d[complete.cases(g),] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Testing accuracy of the model by sampling: g.ts.tst <- ts(g.data[1:20],start=c(1990)) g.movav.tst <- forecast(ma(g.ts.tst,order=3),h=5) accuracy(g.movav.tst, g.data[22:26]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(g.movav.tst,col="blue",lw=4, main="Forecast of GDP per capita of Poland", ylab="Income in current USD") lines(year, GDP.per.capitia.in.current.USD, col="red",type='b') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- train = ts(g.data[1:20],start=c(1990)) test = ts(g.data[21:26],start=c(2010)) arma_fit <- auto.arima(train) arma_forecast <- forecast(arma_fit, h = 6) arma_fit_accuracy <- accuracy(arma_forecast, test) arma_fit; arma_forecast; arma_fit_accuracy # --------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(arma_forecast, col="blue",lw = 4, main = "Forecast of GDP per capita of Poland", ylab = "income in current USD") lines(year,GDP.per.capitia.in.current.USD, col = "red", type = 'b') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- g.exp <- ses(g.data,5,initial="simple") g.exp # simple exponential smoothing uses the last value as # the forecast and finds confidence intervals around it # --------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(g.exp,col="blue",lw=4, main="Forecast of GDP per capita of Poland", ylab="income in current USD") lines(year,GDP.per.capitia.in.current.USD,col="red",type='b') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- g.exp <- holt(g.data,5,initial="simple") g.exp # Holt exponential smoothing # --------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(g.exp,col="blue",lw=4, main="Forecast of GDP per capita of Poland", ylab="income in current USD") lines(year,GDP.per.capitia.in.current.USD,col="red",type='b') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # we use the data nottem # Average Monthly Temperatures at Nottingham, 1920-1939 nottem.stl = stl(nottem, s.window="periodic") plot(nottem.stl) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- add_ts <- log(exp_ts) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Simple exponential: models level fit <- HoltWinters(g.data, beta=FALSE, gamma=FALSE) # Double exponential: models level and trend fit <- HoltWinters(g.data, gamma=FALSE) # Triple exponential: models level, trend, and seasonal # components. This fails on the example, as there is no # seasonal trend: #fit <- HoltWinters(g.data) # Predictive accuracy library(forecast) accuracy(forecast(fit,5)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # predict next 5 future values forecast(fit, 5) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- plot(forecast(fit, 5),col="blue",lw=4, main="Forecast of GDP per capita of Poland", ylab="income in current USD") lines(year,GDP.per.capitia.in.current.USD,col="red",type='b') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Use the Holt-Winters method for the temperatures n.hw <- HoltWinters(nottem) n.hw.fc <- forecast(n.hw,50) plot(n.hw.fc)